1922 May 2022
My program
1922 May 2022
My program


Conversation on Design, Social Innovation and Sustainability

Conversation on design and social innovation

Design + Policy = Conversation on Design, Social Innovation and Sustainability

Complex challenges needs conversations on several different levels, from individuals, organisations to society at large. All actors need to collaborate and we need to change our mind-set, work processes, systems and structures.

What is the role of design in shaping a more fair and sustainable future? How can design for social innovation contribute in this change? How do we create a design culture and organizational structure for design in the public sector? And how can research support knowledge and learning processes in design?

This conversation addresses these issues in light of recent policy development, trends in public funding and research. It explores ways in which greater proximity between public policy and decision-making decision on the one hand, and local solutions and on the ground networks can be created and sustained. We also give examples on how we can use design to move quicker and together, for a sustainable society. 

Participants are Ezio Manzini, Pia Mcaleenan, Per-Anders Hillgren and Sara Bjärstorp. The talk is moderated by Lotta Orban.
