1922 May 2022
My program
1922 May 2022
My program


One Night Stand with Candytuft


Hotel room + Candytuft's hookups = One Night Stand with Candytuft

Candytuft curates a one night stand at MJ's.

Welcome to an exhibition filled with new hookups and old lovers. One night only!

During one night we at Candytuft, and our hookups (that is, eight other artists and designers they think are hot), take over a hotel room. You are all invited to come by room 104 at MJ’s, for a drink from our minibar and to celebrate the start of Southern Sweden Design Days.

In addition to taking over the room with our sleazy floral pickup lines we will show works by:

Amanda & Adina Romare

Lotta Grimborg

Anna Gudmundsdottir

Jóna Berglind Stefánsdóttir

Siri Skillgate

Lisa Reiser

William Reed

Diane Assiri

Maria O’Brian & Ebba Lindgren AKA Candytuft

Come by and enjoy the night with us, everyone is welcome, we’re not picky!

Photos by David Möller

