1922 May 2022
My program
1922 May 2022
My program


Let's make room for the good stuff

Baano Bronze Canvs tavla

Needs + Joyousness = Let's make room for the good stuff

https://www.ivankapercan.com/In today's digital world, we are closer than ever to each other. We can connect with like-minded people, learn from each other, and be inspired in a way we have not been able to do before. We can take the opportunity to develop skills at our own pace using online courses, read books digitally for fun or benefit. There are no more excuses for not being able to develop into our best selves and realize our dreams.

Implement dreams gives meaning, energy, and goal for life. Dreams and goals change gradually during the different phases of life. For Ivanka, the opportunities that have come with distance courses have made it possible for her to acquire new knowledge and fulfill a new dream, to design paintings. We all have different driving forces and things that make sense to us, there is no right or wrong. If we allow the good and meaningful to have a greater part in our lives , we also get more joy in life. Dare to do what you dreamed of and dare to choose what gives you inner joy. Let´s make room for the good stuff .....
