Silas Bieri, originally from Biel , Switzerland is based in Malmö, Sweden. From an early age he played the violoncello and later a variety of other instruments. In the 1990’s Silas invented ways to work musically with early digital audio and started to compose electronically. After interrupted studies in anthropology at the University of Berne (Switzerland), he completed a master’s degree in sound engineering at Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène, in Lausanne (Switzerland). Since then, he has been living and working internationally with large scale events, music productions and composition in stage art, film and contemporary dance all over the world.
In 2014 Silas funded the studios in-discourse in Malmö, Sweden, where he is artistically as well as technically in charge. Today he is mainly working as a sound designer, doing studio work, and creating sounds for the creative industries and art scene.
During the Pandemic 2020 in-discourse became an important actor for digitalization of music and performing arts in Europe. The studio created in collaboration with artists over hundred films, streams, and alternative digital projects to keep the cultural scene in Europe alive.
Silas is looking forward assembling his artistic experiences and values from the past and will publish musical achievements in years to come.